Sunday 6 November 2011

Telford Central Masjid

The Shropshire Islamic Foundation's Telford Central Mosque original building at 41 Tan Bank.

The current Telford Central Masjid in Tanbank is relatively small compared to the growing Muslim community in Shropshire. The new mosque headquarters on King Street will be the largest in Shropshire.
The £1.2 million refurbishment will take the building back to its former state when it opened in 1953. Mr.Saleh Laher the previous Chairman of the Trustees had said that it will be "redesigned so the 1953 fascia would be seen and the 'beautiful' courtyard with wooden beams would be the central prayer room" and would be restored "to its original condition."
It has been agreed that the new mosque "would not have a dome or a minaret" and that it would look "like a Northern African mosque with a castle frontage" and would "be created out of the four existing buildings in the complex."

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